Tourist Attractions in Cameroon, Africa

There are many kinds of tourist attractions in Cameroon, Africa, like the beaches, parks, forests, local culture and an abundance of wildlife. When you plan your trip, here are a few of the places you really should intend on seeing.
Wildlife and Nature Parks
The animal world is what draws most people to Cameroon. Some of the animals you might see include the rhinoceros, gorilla, gazelle, lions, bushbabies, chimpanzees and elephants. Of course, you’re not going to see anything like this in the cities, so plan to visit one of the many national parks in Cameroon:
Waza National Park — A UNESCO biosphere reserve, Waza is the place to go for lions (try in April), as well as giraffes, gazelles and elephants. Overall, there are more than 300 species of birds and animals living in the park. CHeckout: Tourism in Cameroon
Korup National Park — The largest park ever founded by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). You’ll find the largest number of species of trees of any rainforest park, including some that the National Cancer Institute in America is looking at as a treatment for AIDS.
Some of the other popular parks in Cameroon are the Bouba Ndidah Park, Campo Ma’an Park and Faro Park. Outside the national park system, some of the other natural sites are Lobeke Lake, the Mbi Crater, Lake Chad basin, Ossa Lake and Pangar-Djerem.
Other Tourist Spots
The capital city is Yaounde, and there is lots to see and do there. The city’s history is evident in the colonial architecture, and you should take a tour to see the Star Building, Unity Palace and the World Bank buildings. Douala is another big city with lots of amenities for travelers, particularly as a business-oriented seaport. It you are heading to the Korup National Park, you should also stop at the town of Mundemba. There is an interesting hanging bridge to see, and it was once visited by Prince Charles and Lady Diana.
In any of the towns, you will be able to find shops and stalls to buy handcrafted Cameroon souvenirs. Jewelry, sculpture and clothing are favorites with visitors.
Outside the cities, you can relax at either Kribi Beach or Limbe Beach. Limbe is unique with it’s black sand and views of the city of Malabo.