CBD Oil Can Reduce Acne

John Writer
Jan 6, 2021

A widespread skin disorder that affects more than 9% of the population is acne.

A variety of causes, including biology, bacteria, underlying inflammation and overproduction of sebum, an oily secretion made in the skin by sebaceous glands, are believed to be induced.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties and ability to minimise sebum production, CBD oil can help treat acne, based on recent scientific studies.

One test tube research showed that CBD oil prevented the secretion of unnecessary sebum by sebaceous gland cells, exerted anti-inflammatory steps and prevented the activation of pro-acne agents such as inflammatory cytokines.

Another study had similar findings, concluding that CBD may be an efficient and safe way to treat acne, thanks in part to its remarkable anti-inflammatory qualities.

Though these results are promising, human studies exploring the effects of CBD on acne are needed.

